Introduction to this Portfolio

 The English Composition I class that I have taken over this past semester has taught me a great deal about writing and all that it involves. At times it has been difficult, but I believe that I have learned through my struggles. In this portfolio I intend to showcase my growth as a writer as a result of this class.

I will begin this portfolio by evaluating my communication habits and writing processes; how I plan, draft, revise, and edit my papers. I will then move on to a specific evaluation of my unit one narrative essay. This paper tells the story of my experience as a nine-year-old playing a game at MK Camp which I did not want to play. The first version of the essay is lacking in several things which I tried to implement in the later version. The following page will be on my creation of this portfolio. Finally, I will end with an overall summary of what I have learned over the past semester.
