Page 1: Changes in My Writing Processes

 Over the course of this semester, I have learned a great deal about writing, specifically writing processes. Prior to this course my writing process was less structured and organized as it has lately become. The experience gained over this semester has taught me much about the importance of organization and the value of the opinion of others.

My writing process from start to finish

My notes and outline the for unit 2 paper
My writing process has become very structured upon completion of this writing course. I begin my essay by first choosing a topic to write on that interests me based on the assignment. I then gather the information that I already know about said topic and write it down in a notebook. It is often necessary to do additional research, so it is at this point where this research is completed. While researching, I am careful to write down any relevant information so I can easily refer to it later. Once I believe all I have gathered all the information necessary, I make an outline of the paper I intend to write. This outline soon becomes a draft. This draft must then be revised, over and over again. During the revision stage, I find it is helpful to get others’ opinion on my work. When I feel that my essay is properly revised, I look it over once more, and then submit it.

How my writing process has changed

Make an outline

The basic steps of planning, drafting, revising, and proofreading have been a part of my writing ever since elementary school. However, prior to this course, I put little emphasis on the planning stage. I would gather information on a piece of paper, yes, but the outline I would make would be very general with little detail, making the drafting process very difficult. Through the experience gained in the course, I have come to see the importance of a thorough and structured outline. With the help of an outline, the drafting process is much less daunting than it used to be.

Just keep writing

Drafting a paper has always been difficult for me. Besides the lack of planning, getting stuck would also hinder my writing. Before taking this course, I would have trouble drafting simply because when I got stuck, I was unwilling to move on until I figured out what I wanted to say. But I have come to understand that writing this way limits efficiency. It is better to skip over that part, complete the next, and come back to it later. I know now that getting stuck while writing a first draft does not need to be a problem. It is better to not interrupt my flow of thought, and simply move on. By putting this into practice, I see that I can write much more efficiently.

Get the opinions of others

The final change that has taken place in my writing methods is my use of other people. I used to be reluctant to show my work to anyone before it was finished in fear of criticism. But I now realize the importance of humbling myself and letting other people read my work even if I know that it is not perfect. They can criticize as much as they want if it leads to a better outcome. The people to review my writing the most (besides my teacher) are my fellow students, and my parents. The input of these people has been very helpful in the improvement of my essays.


My overall writing process has not changed drastically since before taking this writing class, but the little changes I have made, make all the difference. Instead of stumbling my way through the first draft of a paper, I can instead refer to a detailed outline to help guide me along. And I now know that the draft cannot be completely revised without the suggestions of other people. Because of these improvements I have made with my writing process over this course, I am now able to send in my papers with confidence that I did my very best.
