Page 4: How This Writing Class Has Helped Me Grow


My Growth as a Writer

     Prior to taking this English Composition class, I found writing very difficult. I had always struggled to organize my thoughts coherently. Researching and especially drafting a paper, was extremely tedious work. But over this course, my writing process has improved to include more thorough planning, and better organization of both outline and paper. While I cannot say that writing is now easy, my process, and I believe the outcome of my work, has certainly been improved with the help of this course.

     Document design, whether written or otherwise, requires much thought and planning to reach the desired audience. I have found that to make an effective written document, it must be structured and well organized which keeps both writer and reader able to easily follow the written thought process. As I consider the structure of my paper, I’ve learned that it is important to keep in mind the target audience of my work. The genre, language, tone, and even design choices will all be affected by my audience. The questions that this course has taught me to ask myself as I write is this: “what do I want my readers to walk away with? Does my work accomplish that?” This has at times been a difficult question to answer but I believe it is crucial to know the purpose of your work to achieve the desired results.

     The standards required for this English composition class is undoubtedly higher than my homeschool, high school classes. These standards, I have come to find out, are important in establishing a professional and well-educated tone for the written work. They are reachable, but they require much time and hard work.

     The instruction received and the experience gained over this past semester will be crucial as I continue my studies. Particularly, the improvement of my writing methods and processes (see page 1).  This English Composition I writing course has been helpful in enabling me to get my point across more effectively through the written word.


My Growth as a Person

I believe that over the past few months, I have gotten older in more ways than one. This English Composition class has been a contributor to my growth. The added responsibly of a college course has taught me many practical things such as self-discipline, time management, and humility.

A few months ago, I had convinced myself that I was not a writer. The truth is, I found writing very difficult because it requires time and effort which I simply did not want to give. I have come to realize that this attitude is nothing short of laziness. This writing class has pushed me out of my comfort zone in writing and into my proper place – at my desk, with my notes and laptop open in front of me and ready for use. The hours I have spent on the various assignments over this course have shown me that the more work put into a project, the better the results will be. This can be a difficult concept for some people like me who enjoy leisurely afternoons and evenings, but it is crucial for us to understand that hard work and discipline is necessary for good results.

Writing is a lengthy process. This is something I have come to understand on a whole new level over this semester. To get my assignments done on time, I have had to set aside time out of my day that I would usually be using for other things. I have had to learn how to organize my priorities and create a schedule accordingly. Time management is an important skill that I have gotten to put into practice over these past few months.

One of the most important qualities of a good writer is humility. I had known this before taking this course, but now I have personally experienced it. This class has humbled me. At the beginning of this course, I would kid myself into thinking that my work was good enough as it was without searching for feedback from other people. But later, when I finally showed my work to my parents, they were able to offer helpful suggestions and I was able to improve things that I didn’t know needed revision. I have learned the hard way that humility is important for a writer because it allows them to receive criticism gracefully; in a way that helps them to learn and improve themselves and their work.

Over the past few months, I have learned not only about writing, but also about hard work, and humility. I now better understand the importance of self-discipline when faced with a difficult task. I now know the benefits of accepting the criticism of others with an attitude that humbly seeks improvement. These practical lessons are not only important in writing, but to all other areas of my life. I am grateful for all that I have learned from English Composition I.
